Is science a boon or a curse for humanity? Since the advent of earliest scientific endeavors, this question has been baffling the minds of many eminent thinkers and scientists alike. The notion oscillates in and around humanity and its instinct of greed. However, Marxist scholar Andrew Collins defines ‘greed’ as a socially constructed human trait. In fact, there is a subtle difference between need and greed. Every living creature has its own basic needs; it’s an evolutionary process whereby only human psyche exerts or is controlled by greed.

Oxford Dictionary defines ‘Dystopia’ as “an imaginary state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic”. Based on this idea I have envisioned to create a hypo-futuristic space where all the extinct dwellers of yester generations were at display, both of living or non-living attributes. This idea has been even further extended to the realm of various ideological and philosophical conflicts of our time. In so much, “Museum of Thoughts 2050” would be better understood if seen through the glasses of ‘what could be’ rather than solely contemplating on ‘what and how it is today’.
Admin Block
MOM 2050
Location Map
This "Welcome Note" (audio) has been installed inside the elevator of Admin block of the College of Art to incite an idea of time travel for the viewers and guide them to the "Museum of Thoughts 2050" at 2nd floor.
Concept Note
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